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Application crashes on element reader (pdftron)

I have an issue with pdftron, where opening a certain file, will cause our application to crash with following error:

An unhandled exception of type 'pdftron.Common.PDFNetException' occurred in PDFNet.dll

Additional information: Exception: 

 Message: Missing resource

 Conditional expression: res

 Filename   : ContentResources.hpp

 Function   : trn::PDF::ContentResources::GetResource

 Linenumber : 26

In our code: it's in the following line that the error occurs:

while ((element = elReader.Next()) != null)

When doing try/catch, we see that the only thing missing from the page is the text that's written diagonally on that page. Does this have anything to do with a missing font maybe ? Don't mind the cursor in the picture, it doesn't know where to go with the text missing.

enter image description here

I can send the pdf file on request.

PDF File


  • If you are not on the latest version of PDFNet, 6.7.1, then I would first try against that, as the issue might have been resolved already.

    Otherwise, since the issue is document specific, you would need to provide that, by either sharing here, or sending to pdftron support.