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capture web page using cutycapt or PhantomJs?

I want to take screenshot from my web automatically using crontab. I have installed cutycapt on my server. But I get this error when running it :

enter image description here

My question is :

  1. What's wrong with that error ?
  2. What is the best way to capture screenshot of my web page, cutycapt or phantomjs ?
  3. What is needed to use cutycapt or phantomjs ? I don't understand how cutycapt or phantomjs works.

I'll be grateful if there is any one who can explain this to me. Thanks.


  • To get it to work in a "headless" environment I used xvfb, I'd already installed xserver, but I do not believe it is required. I did not intentionally install phantomjs, but it may be a dependancy.

    sudo apt-get install xvfb cutycapt

    And I then launched cutycapt in an xvfb framebuffer and sent some arguments. This is taken from the cutycapt source forge usage page.

    xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1024x768x24" cutycapt --out=image.png

    I also wrote a little script to make it even easier. It asks you which page to download. saves it as as the the url.png

    echo what is the website you would like to grab?
    read url
    echo grabbing $url please wait...
    xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1024x768x24" cutycapt --url=$url --out=$url.png
    echo done, image is $url.png