I'm new to PL/SQL. Can anyone please help fix my compilation error? Your help is much appreciated. Also, after I would like to call this procedure to check and add a new user.
create or replace procedure CheckAddUser ( userid in varchar2(20))
declare vartmp number;
SELECT nvl((SELECT distinct 1 FROM crm_admin.LTY_USER_STORE WHERE usr_nm = userid ), 0) INTO :varTmp FROM dual;
IF (:varTmp = 0) THEN
dbms_output.put_line('the user ' || ':userid' || ' does not exist');
elsif (:varTmp = 1) THEN
dbms_output.put_line('the user ' || ':userid' || ' already exist');
End if;
Try this:
create or replace procedure checkadduser(userid in varchar2)
vartmp number;
select coalesce(max(1), 0) into vartmp
from dual
where exists (
select 1
from crm_admin.lty_user_store
where usr_nm = userid
if vartmp = 0 then
dbms_output.put_line('the user ' || userid || ' does not exist');
elsif vartmp = 1 then
dbms_output.put_line('the user ' || userid || ' already exist');
end if;
Changes made:
keyword - not part of the procedure syntaxModified the query to stop searching as soon as a row is found and return 1 otherwise 0.
select coalesce(max(1), 0) into varTmp
from dual
where exists (
select 1
from crm_admin.lty_user_store
where usr_nm = userid
If the usr_nm is unique in your table, this will work well too (this can be used even if it's not unique but can be bit less performant if number of rows per usr_nm can be arbitrarily large):
select coalesce(max(1), 0)
into varTmp
from crm_admin.lty_user_store
where usr_nm = userid
Do not use :
with the variables and parameters.