I have written some code to perform some calculations in parallel (joblib) and update a dictionary with the calculation results. The code consists of a main function which calls a generator function and calculation function to be run in parallel. The calculation result (a key:value pair) are added by each instance of the calculation function to a dictionary created in the main function and market as global.
Below is a simplified version of my code, illustrating the procedure described above.
When everything runs, the result dictionary (d_result) is empty, but it should have been populated with the results generated by the calculation function. Why is it so?
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
def do_calc(d, r, pair_index): # function to be run in parallel
data_1 = d[str(r)][pair_index, 1]
data_2 = d[str(r)][pair_index, 2]
result_name = str(data_1) + " ^ " + str(data_2)
result = data_1 ** data_2
d_result[result_name] = result
# d_result.setdefault(result_name, []).append(result) ## same result as above
def compute_indices(d): # generator function
for r in d:
num_pairs = d[str(r)].shape[0]
for pair_index in range(num_pairs):
yield r, pair_index
def process(): # main function
global d_result
d_result = {}
r1 = np.array([['ab', 1, 2], ['vw', 10, 12]], dtype=object)
r2 = np.array([['ac', 1, 3], ['vx', 10, 13]], dtype=object)
r3 = np.array([['ad', 1, 4], ['vy', 10, 14]], dtype=object)
r4 = np.array([['ae', 1, 5], ['vz', 10, 15]], dtype=object)
d = {'r1': r1, 'r2': r2, 'r3': r3, 'r4': r4}
Parallel(n_jobs=4)(delayed(do_calc)(d, r, pair_index) for r, pair_index in (compute_indices)(d))
OK, I've figured it out. Answer and new code below:
The do_calc()
function now generates an empty dict, then populates it with a single key:value pair and returns the dict.
The parallel bit in process()
by default creates a list of that which is returned from do_calc()
. So what I end up with after the parallelised do_calc()
is a list of dicts.
What I really want is a single dict, so using dict comprehension I convert the list of dicts to dict, and wala, she's all good!
This helped: python convert list of single key dictionaries into a single dictionary
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
def do_calc(d, r, pair_index): # calculation function to be run in parallel
data_1 = d[str(r)][pair_index, 1]
data_2 = d[str(r)][pair_index, 2]
result_name = str(data_1) + " ^ " + str(data_2)
result = data_1 ** data_2
d_result = {} # create empty dict
d_result[result_name] = result #add key:value pair to dict
return d_result # return dict
def compute_indices(d): # generator function
for r in d:
num_pairs = d[str(r)].shape[0]
for pair_index in range(num_pairs):
yield r, pair_index
def process(): # main function
r1 = np.array([['ab', 1, 2], ['vw', 10, 12]], dtype=object)
r2 = np.array([['ac', 1, 3], ['vx', 10, 13]], dtype=object)
r3 = np.array([['ad', 1, 4], ['vy', 10, 14]], dtype=object)
r4 = np.array([['ae', 1, 5], ['vz', 10, 15]], dtype=object)
d = {'r1': r1, 'r2': r2, 'r3': r3, 'r4': r4}
# parallelised calc. Each run returns dict, final output is list of dicts
d_result = Parallel(n_jobs=4)(delayed(do_calc)(d, r, pair_index) for r, pair_index in (compute_indices)(d))
# transform list of dicts to dict
d_result = {k: v for x in d_result for k, v in x.items()}