I don't use VBA from long time....I have this form in Access 2016
When I try to access to the various TextBoxes through the Me.Controls Collection and convert it to a TextBox object, I get a Null reference but some its properties are valid (eg. tb.Name)
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim ctrl As Control
Dim tb As TextBox
Dim evTb As clsEventTextBox
Set m_TbColl = New Collection
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If Left$(ctrl.Name, 4) = "Txt_" Then
Set tb = ctrl
'Create the TextBox wrapper
Set evTb = New clsEventTextBox
Set evTb.EventsHandler = Me
Set evTb.InnerTextBox = tb <----- HERE tb Is NULL
m_TbColl.Add evTb, ctrl.Name
End If
End Sub
I miss something?
Also, is there a way to get the Type of a Control instead of using
Left$(ctrl.Name, 4) = "Txt_"
To get the type, use TypeName
like this:
If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then
And to ensure tb
takes the form of a Textbox
object, use this
Set tb = Controls(ctrl.Name)