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ZSH - pyenv 'command not found' on login or new window - works on load.

I'm using ZSH/oh-my-zsh and the regular OSX terminal, though the same problem occurs in iTerm. I'd been using rbenv and nvm without issue, but recently started working with python and pyenv, and have run into the following issue. On loading a new terminal window, I get the following message at the prompt:

Last login: Sat Apr  1 11:56:46 on ttys001
/Users/jackfuller/.zshenv:3: command not found: pyenv

Since installing pyenv, my machine seems noticeably slower. Obviously loading pyenv will slow things down but load times have dropped way off.

The catch is that pyenv works perfectly after the terminal is loaded, and as far as I can tell my .zshrc is configured properly:

alias dev="cd ~/development"
alias gow="cd ~/goworkspace"
alias dl="cd ~/downloads"

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$HOME/bin:$PATH

export EDITOR='atom -n'
export PAGER='less -f'

export PATH=$HOME/.rbenv/shims:$PATH
if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi

export NVM_DIR="/Users/jackfuller/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm

export PYENV_ROOT=/usr/local/opt/pyenv
eval "$(pyenv init - --no-rehash)"
# if which pyenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(pyenv init - --no-rehash)"; 

# For go.
export GOPATH="$HOME/goworkspace"
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export GOROOT="usr/local/go"

If anyone can offer any advice/solutions, it would be much appreciated. Environment variables and shell config files seem more temperamental /confusing than they should be.


  • /Users/jackfuller/.zshenv:3: command not found: pyenv indicates that your error is in .zshenv at line 3. Maybe you could post your .zshenv. Is there a reason the fi after #PYENV is not commented? Also you could do export PATH=... once and not thrice. Try which pyenv to find the path to pyenv and look if its in your $PATH. For Future uses i'd put my aliases into ~/.zsh_aliases and do a source ~/.zsh_aliases in the .zshrc, otherwise it gets pretty ugly once you have some more aliases. Sorry for the bad structured answer ;)