I'm using Realm to load data into my UITableView and I've set a UISegmentedControl as the title in my navigation; but when segmentedControlChanged is triggered, nothing in my tableView changes.
var productViewSegmentedControl: UISegmentedControl? = nil
let realm = try! Realm()
var allProducts : Results<Product>?
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
if allProducts == nil {
allProducts = realm.objects(Product.self).sorted(byKeyPath: "basedescription")
if productViewSegmentedControl == nil {
let segmentedControlItems = ["List", "Brands", "Categories"]
productViewSegmentedControl = UISegmentedControl(items: segmentedControlItems)
productViewSegmentedControl?.selectedSegmentIndex = 0
self.navigationItem.titleView = productViewSegmentedControl
productViewSegmentedControl?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(OrderFormViewController.segmentedControlChanged(_:)), for:.allEvents)
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
func segmentedControlChanged(_ segControl: UISegmentedControl){
switch segControl.selectedSegmentIndex{
case 0:
_ = allProducts?.sorted(byKeyPath: "basedescription")
case 1:
_ = allProducts?.sorted(byKeyPath: "itembrand")
case 2:
_ = allProducts?.sorted(byKeyPath: "itemtype")
default: break
Why do you do:
_ = allProducts?.sorted(byKeyPath: "basedescription")
You are ignoring the result so nothing changes. The sorted
method does not update the sender, it returns a new collection.
You need to update allProducts
so the table view changes when you reload it.
You probably want (if this is supported by Realm):
allProducts?.sort(byKeyPath: "basedescription")
allProducts = allProducts?.sorted(byKeyPath: "basedescription")
And of course you need to update the other cases as well.