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Programmatically checking a ion-radio from TypeScript

I have a pretty simple question but I can't find any answer. I have this code :

<ion-list radio-group [(ngModel)]="profile_activities" name="activities">
        <ion-label>Option 1</ion-label>
        <ion-radio  (ionSelect)='selectedActivity($event);' value="0"></ion-radio>

        <ion-label>Option 2</ion-label>
        <ion-radio (ionSelect)='selectedActivity($event);' value="1"></ion-radio>

        <ion-label>Option 3</ion-label>
        <ion-radio (ionSelect)='selectedActivity($event);' value="2"></ion-radio>

... and I would just like to pre-check a value from typescript based on an info I get from my database. How can I check a ion-radio from Typescript?



  • Ok, managed to find the answer by myself. In TypeScript, I just need to enter the default value of the radio to be checked like that :

    this.profile_activities = "1";

    ... for example, in the ionViewWillEnter() function and the radio with value="1" is checked !