I have a requirement like this.
there is a file uploader alopng with checkbox and save, cancel buttons.
I have to disable the check box if the file is invalid and the selection should stay.
After disabling if I click the save button the checkbox value is coming as false in backing bean eventhough it's showing as checked in the dialog.
While debugging I seen that the primeface framework is not getting the id of the disabled checkbox,
Here is my xhtml file:
<h:form id="fileupload_form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<h:panelGroup id="fileupload_Panel">
<p:message for="fileupload_Panel"></p:message>
<p:panelGrid styleClass="noBorderGrid global_docs" columns="4">
<h:outputText style="min-width:100px!important; margin-left: 42px;"></h:outputText>
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox id="tt" value="#{bean.selectedDocs}"/>
<h:outputText value="xx}"/>
<h:outputText style="min-width:100px!important; margin-left: 42px;" rendered="#{cc.attrs.bean != null and cc.attrs.bean.currentDocument != null}"></h:outputText>
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox id="checkBox" value="#{fileBean.tqpReport}" disabled="${not fileBean.isActive}"/>
<h:outputText value="xxxx"/>
<p:tooltip for="t" value="xxxx"/>
<p:fileUpload id="documentFileUploader" fileUploadListener="#{bean.uploadDocumentsListener}"
mode="advanced" dragDropSupport="true" multiple="true" auto="true" update="@form" process="@form"
onstart="PF('ajax').show();" onerror="PF('ajax').hide();"
style="width: 98%; max-width: 480px; max-height: 150px; overflow: auto;" styleClass="file-uploader-drag-drop" label="#{msgs.choose}" />
<p:panelGrid styleClass="noBorderGrid buttonTable" columns="3" style="float:right;">
<p:commandButton id="save" icon="ui-icon-disk" styleClass="blue_button" value="${msgs.save}" style="float:right;"
process="@form" update="@form" action="#{bean.save()}"/>
<p:commandButton id="cancel" icon="ui-icon-close" styleClass="blue_button" value="${msgs.cancel}"
action="#{bean.cancel()}" style="float:right;"
While debugging I found that in the
public void decode(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
method of
SelectBooleanCheckboxRenderer.java class
the id of the disabled check box is null from that statement. I don't understand why? If the check box is not disabled I am getting the correct value.
String submittedValue = (String) context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get(clientId + "_input");
I tried with hidden variable trick, it's working for me
hidden variable in xhtm file, and getters and setter in backing bean.
<h:inputHidden id="checkBoxSelection" value="#{fileBean.checkBoxSelection}"/>
While saving, I am getting the selection,and setting to the hidden variable like,
<p:commandButton id="save" icon="ui-icon-disk" styleClass="blue_button" value="${msgs.save}" style="float:right;"
process="@form" update="@form" action="#{fileBean.saveUploadedDocuments(cc.attrs.id)}"
and the js function is:
function sendCheckBoxSelection(checkBoxId,hiddenparamId){
var checkBoxSelection = false;
var tqpCheckBox = getWidgetVarById(checkBoxId);
if (tqpCheckBox != null){
checkBoxSelection = PrimeFaces.widgets[checkBoxId].input.is(':checked')
document.getElementById(hiddenparamId).value = checkBoxSelection;
function getWidgetVarById(id) {
for (var propertyName in PrimeFaces.widgets) {
if (propertyName === id) {
return PrimeFaces.widgets[propertyName];
So, the checkbox value will set to the backing bean while saving .