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Ranks and identification of elements in r

I have two vectors with different elements, say x=c(1,3,4) , y= c(2,9)

I want a vector of ranges that identifies me the elements of vector x with 1 and those of y with 0, ie

(1,2,3,4,9) -----> (1,0,1,1,0)

How could you get the vector of zeros and ones (1,0,1,1,0) in r?



  • first you define a function that do that

    blah <- function( vector,
                     y= c(2,9)){
    outVector <- rep(x = NA, times = length(vector))
    outVector[vector %in% x] <- 1
    outVector[vector %in% y] <- 0

    then you can use the function:

    blah(vector = 1:9)
    blah(vector = c(1,2,3,4,9))

    you can also change the value of x & y

    blah(vector = 1:10,x = c(1:5*2), y = c((1:5*2)-1 ))