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Cell array assignment result returns to ans `object` instead of expected object `obj`

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I have a Modelclass in which I have a method for adding a node.flow.Pipe object into Model's nodeArray (which is a cell array).

classdef Model


        nodeArray = {} 




        function result = Model()


        function obj = addNode(obj, node)
            size = numel(obj.nodeArray);
            obj.nodeArray{size+1} = node;


When I create a Model object and node.flow.Pipe object and then use Model's addNode(node) method, instead of adding a node to that object, Matlab creates a new object ans.

>> newModel = Model

newModel = 

  Model with properties:

                       nodeArray: {}
                   numberOfNodes: 0
                   stateVariable: []
          numberOfStateVariables: 0
            steadyStateEquations: []
    numberOfSteadyStateEquations: 0

>> newModel.addNode(node.flow.Pipe)

ans = 

  Model with properties:

        nodeArray: {[1×1 node.flow.Pipe]}
    numberOfNodes: 1

>> newModel.nodeArray

ans =

  0×0 empty cell array

What am I doing wrong?


  • By default, all classes in MATLAB are value classes and are copied (by value) whenever you perform an assignment. In order to access classes my reference, you need to inherit from MATLAB's built-in handle class.

    classdef Model < handle

    There is an extensive description of the difference between handle and value classes in the documentation.