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How to show records in section with heading from activeDataProvider in yii2

My database structure is as follows

id :    item    :    name   : price
1  : framework  : bootstrap : 90
1  : framework  : zend : 100
1  : framework  : drupal : 150
1  : responsive : no        : 0
1  : responsive : yes       : 50

I want to render result as rows which have same item must have that item name as section heading and rest of the data should be displayed under that section as


Name      : Price
Bootstrap : 90
Zend      : 100
Drupal    : 150


Name    : Price
None    : 0
Yes     : 50

How can i done this with active data provider, data widgets or there may be another method


  • i suggest you override GridView's renderTableRow. if you detect a value-change on the column you want to group, just insert a custom group heading row.

    class GroupGridView extends \yii\grid\GridView 
        public $groupingColumn = null;
        public $groupingText   = null;
        public function renderTableRow ($model, $key, $index)
            if ($this->groupingColumn == null)
                return parent::renderTableRow($model, $key, $index);
            $models = $this->dataProvider->models;
            $result = '';
            if ($index < count($models) - 1 && ($index == 0 || $models[$index][$this->groupingColumn] != $models[$index + 1][$this->groupingColumn])) {
                $result = sprintf('<tr class="grouping"><td colspan="%d">%s</td></tr>', count($this->columns), ($this->groupingText == null ? $models[$index]->{$this->groupingColumn} : (is_callable($this->groupingText) ? call_user_func($this->groupingText, $model, $key, $index) : $this->groupingText)));
            return $result . parent::renderTableRow($model, $key, $index);
    $dataProvider = new \yii\data\ActiveDataProvider([
        'query'      => \common\models\Task::find()->orderBy(['customer_id' => SORT_ASC]),
        'pagination' => [
            'pageSize' => 100,
    echo GroupGridView::widget([
        'groupingColumn' => 'item',
        'groupingText' => function($model, $key, $index) {
            return sprintf('--- %s --- %s --- %d', $model->item, $key, $index);
        'dataProvider'   => $dataProvider

    keep in mind that you have to sort by the grouping column.