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grails / GORM / hibernate - hasMany map not synchronised on save() of parent

Problem deleting associated entities and having this change persisted to the database.

Have a groovy object parent which has many child entities associated with it. When we find this domain object and set this list to null, and call the child elements remain in the database. Would have expected these to have been deleted. Any suggestions would be great.

class Parent {

   static hasMany = [child:Child]

and the child:

class Child {

   belongsTo = [Parent]

we add the element and delete:

def child = new Child()

def parent = new Parent(child:child)
def id = //from saved entity

/// in separate transaction

parent = Parent.get(id) //id from above
parent.child = null

// check database - child reference still there - expect to have been deleted

Any suggestions about what we've done that wrong would be appreciated. using grails 1.3.5 (latest version).


  • First thing, you should use child.delete(flush:true) instead of assign null. It's just not approriate. (sorry for the previous mistake)

    I recommend you read Peter Ledbrook series: . In your case, search "Deleting children"

    Update: in case you still not read the above article (specifically useful):

    To delete a child, you first need to remove it from the parent collection, then delete it. But it would cause property not null exception since you use belongsTo relation.

    Solution: You can add this into Parent class:

    static mapping = {
     childs cascade: "all-delete-orphan"

    The above mapping will help delete all child that don't have a parent. Then you can use
