I've just had a customer deliver me a test phone to deploy my app on. This is a ZTE R84 which runs Google Android v5.0.2. Only on this device and OS I am experiencing an issue with TextFields in Tableviews.
Basically when I have the Keyboard type set to DEFAULT and try to edit the text in the field on this device, the field loses focus immediately. If I set the keyboard type to Titanium.UI.KEYBOARD_TYPE_NUMBER_PAD, it works as expected.
If I take the field outside of the TableView, then I have no problem whatsoever.
Open to suggestions about how I fix this one, other than sending the phone back to my customer...
I believe you can get rid of this issue by setting windowSoftInputMode property of that window which contains the tableview to Ti.UI.Android.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_PAN
"Window" : {
windowSoftInputMode : Ti.UI.Android.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_PAN