I have the following bit of code to make an array of IP addresses and I only print out one that matches a pattern.
ip_address = node.network.interfaces.map { |p, f| f[:addresses].keys }.flatten.delete_if{|x| x =~ /(.*):(.*)/ }.grep(/127/)
I'm trying to then write that IP address to a config file like this
bind "#{ip_address}:22002 ssl crt /etc/ssl/certs/wildcard.example.com.pem"
bind [""]:22002 ssl crt /etc/ssl/certs/wildcard.example.com.pem
How could I properly write this value to a file without the quotes and brackets?
bind ssl crt /etc/ssl/certs/wildcard.example.com.pem
I've tried gsubbing them out, but that's not working for me.
You get the "quotes and brackets" because grep
returns an array. To fix it, you could either print a single element: (see mudasobwa's comment)
bind "#{ip_address.first}:22002 ssl crt /etc/ssl/certs/wildcard.example.com.pem"
Or you could change the code to return only the first address matching the pattern:
ip_addresses = node.network.interfaces.flat_map { |_, f| f[:addresses].keys }
ip_address = ip_addresses.find { |x| x !~ /(.*):(.*)/ && x =~ /127/ }
and print it via:
bind "#{ip_address}:22002 ssl crt /etc/ssl/certs/wildcard.example.com.pem"
I always want the address in the form of
. In reality what I'm doing is this as my regex.grep(/10.0.(128|129|0).*/)
You have to escape the dots (\.
) or put them in a character class ([.]
). Otherwise, a single .
will match any character. Furthermore you should also match the start (^
) and end ($
) of the string to avoid matching
. A more solid Regexp could look like this:
Alternatively, there's Ruby's IPAddr
require 'ipaddr'
valid_ips = [
valid_ips.any? { |net| net.include? '' } #=> false
valid_ips.any? { |net| net.include? '' } #=> true
valid_ips.any? { |net| net.include? '' } #=> false