I'm building a background task management system with rabbitmq and nodejs using the amqlib
Some of the tasks are really CPU-consuming, so if I'm launching a lot of them and I have only a few workers up, my server can get killed (using too much CPU).
I'm wondering if there is a way to create an amqp queue so that my consumers will only consume one task of this queue at a time (i.e. Before an ack or a reject, do not send a task of this kind to this consumer). Or should I handle this myself in the code (maybe keeping a reference in my worker that I'm handling a task of this queue and rejecting all tasks of this queue while I'm executing the task ?).
Here is my sample code :
I'm creating the amqp connection like that
const amqpConn = require('amqplib').connect('amqp://localhost');
My queue name is tasks
amqpConn.then((conn) => {
return conn.createChannel();
}).then((ch) => {
return ch.assertQueue('tasks').then((ok) => {
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer(`something to do ${i}`));
And here is my consumer (I guess this is where I should do the work to limit only one concurrent task of this queue) :
amqpConn.then((conn) => {
return conn.createChannel();
}).then((ch) => {
return ch.assertQueue('tasks').then((ok) => {
return ch.consume('tasks', (msg) => {
if (msg !== null) {
Thanks a lot !
I think I got it going by :
of the channel to limit the concurrency on a per-consumer basis