I have integrated SonarQube 5.6.6 (with default configuration) with TFS 2015 Builds (not XAML build definitions) and I am successful in analyzing projects. Please find below Build definition and generated report at SonarQube local portal.
Now what I am trying to accomplish is to port all the bugs, vulnerabilities and Code Smells reported by SonarQube as bugs (typical TFS Work Items) in TFS 2015. I am not able to find any related configuration or options to create TFS bugs. So my questions are:
This is not possible to achieve what you want. And there are 2 goods reasons for this:
The first one is that an issue is too granular to be represented by a TFS work item. Picture this: an analysis can create dozen or hundreds of issues: how can you manage all your backlog that will be "polluted" by all the work items created for every single issue?
The second reason is that instead of trying to manage issues that need to be fixed in a kind of action plan (= list of work items), it's more interesting to fix them along the way while you are developing. This is what we explain in the blog post called "Stop planning; fix the leak".