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Get current time as string swift 3.0

How to get current time as a String (not as Date)

date time format.

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss


  • This is the way I figure it out.

       // Get today date as String
            func getTodayString() -> String{
                    let date = Date()
                    let calender = Calendar.current
                    let components = calender.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day,.hour,.minute,.second], from: date)
                    let year = components.year
                    let month = components.month
                    let day =
                    let hour = components.hour
                    let minute = components.minute
                    let second = components.second
                    let today_string = String(year!) + "-" + String(month!) + "-" + String(day!) + " " + String(hour!)  + ":" + String(minute!) + ":" +  String(second!)
                    return today_string
            let today : String!
            today = getTodayString()