I am working on ionic 1 but some of the dynamic functionality are not working , like Network changes so i am thinking to jumping on Ionic 2 but when i just build the simple Blank App of ionic and installed it in my android phone it took around 13 seconds to boot up.
ionic start test --blank --v2
I use this command to download the app in ionic 2 version and then just build the app using.
ionic build android
And then I installed it in my Coolpad Note 3 Lite and on first boot it took around 13 seconds and from second boot on wards it took around 10 seconds. Is it really the case or somewhere I did mistake. ?
ionic build android includes debugging tools and other files to startup.
If you want to get Production/Release application, you can use
ionic build android --release --prod
for actual app, which takes maximum of 5 secs to boot.