Given that the cursor is within some TextRange tr
, I would like a Sub
that takes tr
as an input argument and selects (or returns) a TextRange
that starts at the start of the current line containing tr.start
and ends at the next instance of a "." or ":"). Ideally this would work with an arbitrary TextRange
or with the current selection (ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange
). NOTE: it maybe be that tr.Length = 0
(nothing actually selected).
I've answered the question by implementing a loop through all paragraphs in the text frame to find the paragraph containing the cursor, then through the lines in that paragraph to find the line containing the cursor. Then selecting text in the line starting at the first character and extending until the first of a ".", ":" or the end of the line. Then applying the "style" to the selected text. That code is below (some comments follow the code).
I am still hoping for a more elegant solution that doesn't require searching.
Option Explicit
Sub StyleRunInApply()
' Apply the run-in style to current selection (assumed to be a text range). If
' no characters are selected, apply from the beginning of the current line to
' the first of "." or ":" or the end of the current line.
' The "run-in style" is defined to be bold with Accent2 color of the current
' master theme.
Dim iLine As Long
Dim lenth As Long
Dim line As TextRange
Dim pgf As TextRange
Dim tr As TextRange
Dim thme As OfficeTheme
Set tr = ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange
If tr.Length = 0 Then
' Loop through pgfs in parent text frame to find our line--
' the first pgf that ends at or beyond the cursor.
For Each pgf In tr.Parent.TextRange.Paragraphs
If pgf.Start + pgf.Length > tr.Start Or _
pgf.Start + pgf.Length > tr.Parent.TextRange.Length Then GoTo L_foundPgf
Next pgf ' (If fall through, pgf will be the final pgf in the frame.)
' Find last line in pgf that starts before the cursor.
While iLine < pgf.Lines.Count And pgf.Lines(iLine + 1).Start < tr.Start
iLine = iLine + 1
Set line = pgf.Lines(iLine)
' Now look in the line for a ":" or "." and reset tr from the start of
' the line up to and including the first of a ":" or "." or the end of
' line.
lenth = line.Length
If Not line.Find(":") Is Nothing Then
lenth = line.Find(":").Start - line.Start + 1
ElseIf Not line.Find(".") Is Nothing Then
If line.Find(".").Start - line.Start + 1 < lenth Then
lenth = line.Find(".").Start - line.Start + 1
End If
End If
Set tr = line.Characters(1, lenth)
End If
' Set the finally selected text to the style!
Set thme = ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Theme
tr.Font.Color = thme.ThemeColorScheme(msoThemeAccent2)
tr.Font.Bold = True
End Sub 'StyleRunInApply
Three comments on the code:
Exit For
, and then, for such exits, only immediately following the Then
, which is the reason for not having a block follow the Then