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When using mysygit (GitGui), is there a log of the git bash commands executed?

I am new to using git and use msysgit with GitGui exclusively because I only need to do basic pulls and pushes.

When I need help, all of the answers I find are given with git bash which does not help me with GitGui.

In order to be able to understand what I am doing with GutGui in terms of git bash commands, I was wondering if GitGui keeps a log of the git bash commands executed for the actions from GitGui actions?

Once I have this I can better understand what I am doing in GitGui as git bash commands and then make better use of GitGui.


  • Yes.
    You can start git-gui with --trace flag. On Windows it opens two windows: git-gui and tcl console which also logs executed commands by git-gui [1] [proj. wiki].
    You can also open console during running git-gui with CTRL + F2, and turn on logging with: set _trace 1.

    But keep in mind that those commands are "low-level" and shouldn't be used during normal git usage.