What I am trying to do is; use a module to create two distinct and separate tables but what seems to be happening is; if I have already used 'require' then it will give me a reference to the previous require what I really want is just the value/a copy of the module. I cannot use 'dofile' because 1). I need to use relative paths and 2). I am building this in Corona for android and as I understand 'dofile' does not work well with .apk.
Here is my code.
This is my main.lua
foo = require('modules.myModule')
bar = require('modules.myModule')
assert(foo.name ~= bar.name)
this is in %cd%/modules/myModule
local M = {
name = "hai",
changeName = function(self)
self.name = 'not_hai'
return M
Your module can return constructor of M
instead of M
Your module:
function() -- this is a constructor of M
local M = {
name = "hai",
changeName = function(self)
self.name = 'not_hai'
return M
Your main script:
foo = require('modules.myModule')()
bar = require('modules.myModule')()
assert(foo.name ~= bar.name)