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How to change the font?

I want to change the font and set its style to bold. I have two problems:

  • changing CharWeight works but not CharFontName
  • it applies "bold" to the whole paragraph, not only to the selection

Here's my code:

sub AddAnimation
    xTextCursor = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Selection(0)
    xText = xTextCursor.getText()
    xText.CharFontName = "Consolas"
    xText.CharWeight =
end Sub


  • Calling getText() gets the entire text, not just the selected part.

    Sub ChangeFont
        xTextCursor = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Selection(0)
        xTextCursor.CharFontName = "Consolas"
        xTextCursor.CharWeight =
    End Sub

    The font name changed when I tried it, using both LO and AOO.


    Are you using CTL or CJK scripts? If so, then it needs to be CharFontNameComplex or CharFontNameAsian. However if CharWeight worked, then that must not be the issue.

    One more guess: Maybe a style is overriding it.