I have implemented a recommender system based upon matrix factorization techniques. I want to evaluate it.
I want to use 10-fold-cross validation with All-but-one protocol (https://ai2-s2-pdfs.s3.amazonaws.com/0fcc/45600283abca12ea2f422e3fb2575f4c7fc0.pdf).
My data set has the following structure:
It's confusing for me to think how the data is going to be splitted, because I can't put some triples (user,item,rating) in the testing set. For example, if I select the triple (2,1,5) to the testing set and this is the only rating user 2 has made, there won't be any other information about this user and the trained model won't predict any values for him.
Considering this scenario, how should I do the splitting?
You're quite correct in your basic logic: if you have only one observation in a class, you must include that in the training set for the model to have any validity in that class.
However, dividing the input into these classes depends on the interactions among various observations. Can you identify classes of data, such as the "only rating" issue you mentioned? As you find other small classes, you'll also need to ensure that you have enough of those observations in your training data.
Unfortunately, this is a process that's tricky to automate. Most one-time applications simply have to hand-pick those observations from the data, and then distribute the others per normal divisions. This does have a problem that the special cases are over-represented in the training set, which can detract somewhat from the normal cases in training the model.
Do you have the capability of tuning the model as you encounter later data? This is generally the best way to handle sparse classes of input.