I'm rewriting a big website, that needs very solid architecture, here are my few questions, and pardon me for mixing apples and oranges and probably kiwi too:) I did a lot of research and ended up totally confused.
Main question: Which approach would you take in building a big website expected to grow in every way?
Single entry point, pages data in the database, pulled by associating GET variable with database entry (?pageid=whatever)
Single entry point, pages data in separate files, included based on GET variable (?pageid=whatever would include whatever.php)
MVC (Alright guys, I'm all for it, but can't grasp the concept besides checking all tutorials and frameworks out there, do they store "view" in database? Seems to me from examples that if you have 1000 pages of same kind they can be shaped by 1 model, but I'll still need to have 1000 "views" files?)
PAC - this sounds even more logical to me, but didn't find much resources - if this is a good way to go, can you recommend any books or links?
DAL/DAO/DDD - i learned about these terms by diligently reading through stack overflow before posting question. Not sure if it belongs to this list
Sit down and create my own architecture (likely to do if nobody enlightens me here:)
Something not mentioned...
Scalability/availability (iow. high-traffic) for websites is best addressed by none of the items you mention. Especially points 1 and 2; storing the page definitions in a database is an absolute no-no. MVC and other similar patterns are more for code clarity and maintenance, not for scalability.
An important piece of missing information is what kind of concurrent hits/sec are you expecting? Sometimes, people who haven't built high-traffic websites are surprised at the hit rates that actually constitute a "scalability nightmare".
There are books on how to design scalable architectures, so an SO post will not be able to the topic justice, but some very top-level concepts, in no particular order, are:
At this point, you've optimized the behavior on one server, and you have to "scale out". Now, things get very complicated very fast. Load-balancing scenarios of various types (sharding, DNS-driven, dumb balancing, etc), separating read data from write data on different DBs, going to a virtualization solution like Google Apps, offload static content to a big CDN service, use a language like Erlang or Scala and parallelize your app, etc...