I have a small problem, which is, i want to convert the number of the client likes to a percents inside the admin panel , the maximum float number is up to 5.0 so he got the 5 stars and downward tell 0.0 if no likes has been founded .
Here is my model.py:
appointment_upvotes = db.Table('appointment_upvotes',
db.Column('appointment_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('appointment.id')),
db.Column('rate_appo_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('rate_appo.id'))
class Appointment(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True)
start_time = db.Column(db.Integer(), nullable=False)
end_time = db.Column(db.Integer(), nullable=False)
timezone = db.Column(db.String(TIMEZONE_LEN_MAX), nullable=False)
note = db.Column(db.String())
status = db.Column(db.Boolean(), default=False)
is_accepted = db.Column(db.Boolean(), default=False)
is_not_accepted = db.Column(db.Boolean(), default=True)
client_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('client.id'))
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('user.id'))
service_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('service.id'))
rates = db.relationship('RateAppo', backref='appointment', lazy='dynamic')
class RateAppo(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True)
rate_punctuality = db.Column(db.Integer(), default=0)
rate_nonconf = db.Column(db.Integer(), default=0)
rate_solvency = db.Column(db.Integer(), default=0)
text = db.Column(db.Text(), default=None)
appo_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('appointment.id'))
def __repr__(self):
return "Comment: {}".format(self.text)[0:15]
def has_voted(self, appointment_id):
select_votes = appointment_upvotes.select(
appointment_upvotes.c.appointment_id == appointment_id,
appointment_upvotes.c.rate_appo_id == self.id
rs = db.engine.execute(select_votes)
return False if rs.rowcount == 0 else True
def vote(self, appointment_id, typevote):
already_voted = self.has_voted(appointment_id)
vote_status = None
if not already_voted:
if typevote == 'rate_punctuality':
appointment_id = appointment_id,
rate_appo_id = self.id
self.rate_punctuality = self.rate_punctuality + 1
vote_status = True
elif typevote == 'rate_nonconf':
appointment_id = appointment_id,
rate_appo_id = self.id
self.rate_nonconf = self.rate_nonconf + 1
vote_status = True
appointment_id = appointment_id,
rate_appo_id = self.id
self.rate_solvency = self.rate_solvency + 1
vote_status = True
return vote_status
Inside the Admin panel the rate will be looks like this for instance:
Average Rating: 4.5
doesn't matter how many likes he got, lets say he got 100 likes, i don't want to show them by count, just need to get the value up to marks 5.0
Another thing i forgot to mention, maybe inside my jinja
template i can make it work ??
Here is an example :
Punctuality : 100 likes in percent maybe it will be 4.52
Solvency: 63 in percent it will be maybe 3.23
so in Punctuality there will be 4 stars, and in Solvency will be 3 stars and so on .
Last thing is to show a full statistics of all these likes in one line , for example inside my panel i will get something like this :
So inside my templates i can type something like this:
<div class="col-sm-8"><h2>Average Rating: <strong> {{ "%.2f" % user.rate_appo.count }} </strong></h2>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-striped text-center">
<th class="text-center">Punctuality</th>
<th class="text-center">Non-Conflict</th>
<th class="text-center">Solvency</th>
<td>{{ "%.2f" % user.rate_appo.rate_punctuality.count}} </td>
<td>{{ "%.2f" % user.rate_appo.rate_nonconf.count}} </td>
<td>{{ "%.2f" % user.rate_appo.rate_solvency.count}} </td>
Am really not sure of what i typed above, i used the %.2f just to simplify the example to be more clear for all of you .
Eventually, its a project that am working in and please any suggestions would be tons appreciated :) .
I couldn't find out which is the "count of likes" in your models, but I think your problem is "converting a number into another format in flask-Admin panel".
If so, this might help:
An example of Custom forms - flask-Admin. It converted file path into HTML tag <img>
by using customized model view.
here is the key code:
Assume that there is a python function named convertLikes
could convert likes number into stars number, like: convertLikes(100)
will return 4.52. Then define it as a filter of jinja2, and replace your code:
<td>{{ "%.2f" % user.rate_appo.rate_punctuality.count}} </td>
<td>{{ user.rate_appo.rate_punctuality.count | convertLikes }} </td>
the filter syntax will invoke convertLikes(user.rate_appo.rate_punctuality.count)
and return the stars number into <td>
For example:
Define a filter function in python:
def convertLikes(count):
# do the convertion
return stars_number
Register it on the template environment:
app = Flask(__name__)
app.jinja_env.filters['convertLikes'] = convertLikes
Use it in jinja2 template:
<td>{{ user.rate_appo.rate_punctuality.count | convertLikes }} </td>