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Matlab: How to compute the inverse of a matrix

I want to find the T inverse as given in the picture. The first picture is the matrix T and the other is T inverse.


T inverse

I = eye(3);
T = [I/2, (j/2)*I, 0;
     I/2,  (-j/2)*I, 0;

Error using horzcat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.

Then I tried with I = eye(2) and got the same error. What is the proper way?


  • Given

    I = eye(3);

    you want to multiply element-wise using .* with A (make sure you use the imaginary unit 1j and not an undefined variable j)

    A = [1/2, (1j/2), 0;
         1/2,  (-1j/2), 0;

    to get T

    T = A.*I

    But apart from that it feels like you actually want to multiply A with a constant C = I = 1

    T = A.*1

    The inverse you obtain with the inverse function:

    Tinv = inv(T)