I need to invoke a generic SAT solver from an application written in Scala. I was looking into SAT4J since it can be easily imported as a jar file however am finding it difficult to actually use it. Is there a way I can fire the SAT4j jar file to compute my SAT problem from within my Scala code?
If SAT4J is not the right approach, are there any SAT libraries I can use directly instead of launching an external SAT solver?
Sat4j is pure Java so you can directly use it within scala as long as the jar is available on Scala classpath.
Sat4j has a scala binding: https://gitlab.ow2.org/sat4j/sat4j/tree/master/org.sat4j.scala
You can build it from source, or grab it from continuous integration: https://gitlab.ow2.org/sat4j/sat4j/pipelines/95/builds