Is it possible with SqlFunctions.DateName
(or any other SqlFunctions
method) to get the month in two digits? eg: August --> "08"
I tried all these:
test1 = SqlFunctions.DateName("MM", e.Date),
test2 = SqlFunctions.DateName("m", e.Date),
test3 = SqlFunctions.DateName("mm", e.Date),
But they all return "August"
There is also SqlFunctions.DatePart but it returns an integer, eg: SqlFunctions("mm", e.Date)
returns the integer 8
You can do it like this:
.Select(c => DbFunctions.Right("00" + c.Date.Month, 2))
(SQL function) returns x rightmost characters from given string (2 in this case) and we prepend month with 2 zeroes so that if month has 1 digit, result is "00x" so "0x" is returned, and when month has 2 digits - result is "00xx" and "xx" is returned.
The resulting sql query will be just:
RIGHT(N'00' + CASE WHEN (DATEPART (month, [Extent1].[Date]) IS NULL)
THEN N'' ELSE CAST( DATEPART (month, [Extent1].[Date])
As a bonus, this code is not sql-server specific and will work with other providers.