Here are my models:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :artists
class Artist < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
I am trying to implement an auto_complete text field where artist names are auto completed:
<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :artist, :name, { :size => 60}, {:skip_style => false, :tokens => ','} %>
This works but autocompletes over all Artists defined in the database. What do I need to do to limit the returned auto_complete results to only the Artists belonging to the logged in User?
Thanks a lot!
Presumably you've got something like this in your controller:
def auto_complete_for_artist_name
@artists = Artist.find(:all,
:conditions => "name LIKE (?)", params[:artist][:name])
You'll need to change that to either add the current user to the conditions or use the association like this:
def auto_complete_for_artist_name
# assumes you have a 'current_user' method
# which returns the current logged in user
@artists = current_user.artists.find(:all,
:conditions => "name LIKE (?)", params[:artist][:name])
That will give you just the artists belonging to the current user.