My code read like this-
import paramiko
import time
import sys
client = paramiko.SSHClient()
def runScripts():
parameter1 = 1000
client.connect('', username='user', password='pass')
print ("Logged in into Site server")
stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command("cd parent_folder/Sub_folder/script_folder; ./ %s" % parameter1)
print ("Script executed perfectly")
And i got output on console as below-
Logged in into Site server
Script executed perfectly
But checked the file which was going to get affected due to the 1000 has no changes. the problem is not with because i can run the same manually and it behaves as expected.
Is client not able to detect end of the command?
I found out answer to my own query on a video over youtube for interactive commands.
So i tried channel like below code to execute the shell script located on server which needs parameter-
def runScripts():
parameter1 = 1000
client.connect('', username='user', password='pass')
channel = client.invoke_shell()
print ("Logged in into Site server")
channel.send("cd parent_folder/Sub_folder/script_folder; ./ %s" % parameter1)
print ("Script executed perfectly")
In above runScripts function i have introduced new channel which invokes shell, and then we can send any command or data over this channel once send command gets completed the execution happens andchannel closes.
Accept the answer if its useful to you guys too.Thank you.