Is it possible to extract information from websites that provide streaming of data? For example, the web page shows a demo where prices keep changing.
Using Google Chrome Developer (F12, Network, WS, Reload page with F5, Select name "lightstreamer") , I found out that the stream is being sent from wss://
You can find an example of client with full source on github.
The following line shows how to target a demo server
var lsClient = new LightstreamerClient(protocolToUse+"//localhost:"+portToUse,"DEMO");
Another example - this in .NET - is here and it's based on a connection listener
using Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client;
namespace DotNetStockListDemo
class StocklistConnectionListener : IConnectionListener
You can read also that this
class implements theIDataProvider
interface (which is the .NET remote equivalent of the Java DataProvider interface).
and find more implementation details in the docs there.