Every function listed below works as expected. (except the last one)
I'm trying to make the to_list
work, I want it to return a list
of char lists
, but I so far I managed only to implement it with simple prints
returning unit
type trie = Trie of bool * (char * trie) list
let empty = Trie (false, [])
let explode wd = (*breaks up a word in a list of chars*)
let rec exp i acc =
if i = -1 then acc else exp (i-1) (wd.[i]::acc) in
exp (String.length wd - 1) []
let insert tr wd = (*insert a word into the trie*)
let rec insert' wd tr = match wd, tr with
| [], Trie (_, l) -> Trie (true, l)
| wh::wt, Trie (b, l) ->
try Trie(b, (wh, insert' wt (List.assoc wh l))::List.remove_assoc wh l)
with Not_found -> Trie (b, (wh, insert' wt empty) :: l)
in insert' (explode wd) tr
let from_list = List.fold_left insert empty (*makes trie from string list*)
let to_list tr = (*prints all trie words*)
let rec to_list' (Trie (b, l)) acc =
if b then
List.iter print_char (List.rev acc);
print_char '\n'
else ();
List.iter (fun (c, t) -> to_list' t (c::acc)) l in
to_list' tr []
EDIT : Thanks to @Goswin von Brederlow I made my to_list
printing function clearer.
What I tried :
let to_list tr = (*fails at compile time*)
let rec to_list' acc = function
| Trie(_, []) -> [List.rev acc]
| Trie(true, (c, h)::_) -> (List.rev acc) :: to_list' (c::acc) h
| Trie(_, l) -> List.map (fun (c, t) -> to_list' (c::acc) t) in
to_list' [] a tr
Example :
let t = from_list ["hello"; "hell"; "helsinki"; "here"];;
# to_list t;;
- : unit = ()
Does it fail because List.map
can return only type 'a list
and not any n-depth nested lists
There's two reasonable ways of doing this: to have map
return a list of lists and then flatten it, or to thread an accumulator. I'll give the second, since it is more efficient and not much more complicated:
let to_list trie =
let rec recur acc chars (Trie (word_here, entries)) =
let acc =
match entries with
| [] -> acc
| _ ->
List.fold_left (fun acc (char, trie) ->
recur acc (char::chars) trie)
acc entries in
if word_here then List.rev chars::acc
else acc in
recur [] [] trie