I am looking to convert a wave file from mono to stereo in Python. At the end there should be two identical channels right and left having the mono channel information. My code does not work. I get only the left channel with the input information, the right channel is empty. Any suggestions?
import struct, wave
import numpy as np
def make_stereo(file1, output):
def everyOther (v, offset=0):
return [v[i] for i in range(offset, len(v), 2)]
ifile = wave.open(file1)
print ifile.getparams()
# (1, 2, 44100, 2013900, 'NONE', 'not compressed')
(nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname) = ifile.getparams()
frames = ifile.readframes(nframes * nchannels)
out = struct.unpack_from("%dh" % nframes * nchannels, frames)
# Convert 2 channels to numpy arrays
if nchannels == 2:
left = np.array(list(everyOther(out, 0)))
right = np.array(list(everyOther(out, 1)))
left = np.array(out)
right = left
ofile = wave.open(output, 'w')
ofile.setparams((2, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname))
# ofile.writeframes(right.tostring())
make_stereo("Input.wav", "Output.wav")
Using numpy
for this is the proverbial elephant gun to shoot a fly, except, perhaps, if you are having performance problems.
is easy to reason about and work with. I'm not at my audio computer, but a translation of your program to use array should look something like this:
import wave, array
def make_stereo(file1, output):
ifile = wave.open(file1)
print ifile.getparams()
# (1, 2, 44100, 2013900, 'NONE', 'not compressed')
(nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname) = ifile.getparams()
assert comptype == 'NONE' # Compressed not supported yet
array_type = {1:'B', 2: 'h', 4: 'l'}[sampwidth]
left_channel = array.array(array_type, ifile.readframes(nframes))[::nchannels]
stereo = 2 * left_channel
stereo[0::2] = stereo[1::2] = left_channel
ofile = wave.open(output, 'w')
ofile.setparams((2, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname))
make_stereo("Input.wav", "Output.wav")