What I need:
Function to calculate N-th decimal digit of Pi. Example:
>>> pi_digit(1)
>>> pi_digit(2)
>>> pi_digit(3)
>>> pi_digit(4)
What did I tried:
While searching, found that code. It actually does what I need except one thing - it calculates all N digits, while I need only last. Is this possible to accomplish in efficient way? (if I just slice string for last character it wouldn't be so fast). Thanks in advance.
Why I need it:
I'm going to put that script, which would append digits to text file, onto my server and leave it for 20-30 days, and check the output.
Unbounded Spigot Algorithms for the Digits of Pi
Jeremy Gibbons
The program under discussion is written in Haskell [5], a lazy functional programming language. As a secondary point of this paper, we hope to convince the reader that such languages are excellent vehicles for expressing mathematical computations, certainly when compared with other general-purpose programming languages such as Java, C, and Pascal, and arguably even when compared with computer algebra systems such as Mathematica.
it can be implemented with pidigits
pidigits is avalaible through Python Package Index (PyPI) using pip.
>>> pip install --upgrade pidigits