I have a string of the form: "8, 14-24, 30-45, 9", which is a substring of the output of pbsnodes. This shows the cores in use on a given node, where 14-24 is a range of cores in use.
I'd like to know the total number of cores in use from this string, i.e. 1 + (24 - 14 + 1) + (45 - 30 + 1 )+ 1 in this example, using a bash script.
Any suggestions or help is much appreciated.
You could use pure bash
techniques to achieve this. By reading the string to array and doing the arithmetic operator using the $((..))
operator. You can run these commands directly on the command-line,
IFS=", " read -ra numArray <<<"8, 14-24, 30-45, 9"
unset count
for word in "${numArray[@]}"; do
(( ${#word} == 1 )) && ((++count)) || count=$(( count + ${word#*-} - ${word%-*} + 1 ))
printf "%s\n" "$count"
The idea is
with -a
splits the string on the de-limiter set by IFS
and reads it into the array numArray
For numeric ranges, do manipulation as e.g. for number a-b
use parameter expansion syntax ${word#*-}
and ${word%-*}
to extract b
and a
respectively and do b-a+1
and add it with count
calculated already and print the element after the loop
You can put this in a bash
script with she-bang set to #!/bin/bash
and run the script or run it directly from the command-line