I'm using Visual Studio for mac for my Xamarin project. and also I'm using Xamarin Studio, because of few bugs.
I tried to edit iOS Package's Launchscreen.storyboard file, but it didn't work. It says "The designer could not be initialized.". and Error messages are too long... ;-;
So I edited it on Xcode. I added Background Color and app's logo but after I built it, but the logo didn't came out.
Editing storyboards in Visual Studio for Mac
is not the only way to do it. VS for Mac is still in preview.
You can use Xamarin Studio side by side with VS for Mac. So you can edit storyboards in XS instead of VS for Mac.
Alternatively (and this is my personal preference) you can edit storyboards in XCode by using context menu on the storyboard file in Solution Explorer and choosing Open with -> XCode.
Here is a plugin for Xamarin Studio to open storyboards by default in XCode: https://github.com/colbylwilliams/DefaultDesigner
There is a video showing how to use XCode with Xamarin (start from 14:34)