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How can I run a GUI application on Docker for Mac?

How can I run a GUI application on Docker for Mac?

I want to run Wireshark GUI on Ubuntu 16.10

I found a Docker forum post about it, but I can't run GUI app based on content of forum.
Maybe the information from the forum is outdated.

How can I run a GUI app on Docker for Mac?

Note that I'm using the following software:

  • Host OS: macOS 10.12.4
  • Guest OS: Ubuntu 16.10
  • Docker: 17.03.1-ce-rc1-mac3


  • Containers themselves don't really have a notion of "GUI" apps; there's no window manager or anything inside the container. It is possible though to have a container connect to X11 running on your Mac, but requires some testing and experimenting to get it set up right.

    This thread on GitHub may give you more information; If you have more questions on that, it may be best to open a new topic on or ask in the Docker Community slack