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How to control gif in a webpage?

I embedded a gif like this:

<img src="myimage.gif">

This plays when the page is loaded. I want to be able to have a start and stop or pause functionality for the image. The gif should toggle start and stop on click.

How can I achieve this? Many Thanks.


  •   $('.gifs a').embedly({
          display: function(obj){
            if (obj.type === 'photo'){
              var $this = $(this);
              // Create the static image src with Embedly Display.
              var src = $.embedly.display.display(obj.url, {query: {animate:false} });
              // Add static gif placeholder to the parent
              $this.html('<img class="gif-holder" src="'+src+'" />');
              // Start preloading the actually gif.
              $this.append('<img class="gif-preload" src="'+obj.url+'" />');
              // Create a promise so we can keep track of state.
              $'promise', $.Deferred());
              // Get the element we added.
              var elem = $this.find('.gif-preload').get(0);
              // If the image is not in cache then onload will fire when it is.
              elem.onload = function(){
              // If the image is already in the browsers cache call the handler.
              if (elem.complete) {
              // Set the static gif url so we can use it later.
              $(this).data('static_url', src);
            } else {
              // remove li if it's not an image.
        }).on('mouseenter', function(){
          var $this = $(this);
          // Set the hover state to true so that the load function knows to run.
          $'hover', true);
          // Create a function to load the gif into the image.
          var load = function(){
            if ($'hover') === true){
              // Remove the loading image if there is one
              // Swap out the static src for the actually gif.
              $this.find('img.gif-holder').attr('src', $'embedly').url);
          // Add the load function to the done callback. If it's already resolved
          // this will fire immediately.
          // Add a spinner if it's not going to play right away.
          if ($'promise').state() === 'pending'){
            // Add a loading spinner.
            $this.append('<i class="gif-loading fa fa-spinner fa fa-spin"></i>');
            // we need to center it over the image.
              top: $this.height() / 2 - 20,
              left: $this.width() / 2 - 20
        }).on('mouseleave', function(){
          var $this = $(this);
          // Make sure the load function knows we are no longer in a hover state.
          $'hover', false);
          // Remove the spiner if it's there.
          // Set the src to the static url.
          $this.find('img.gif-holder').attr('src', $(this).data('static_url'));

    Giving best animation You can use these codes in java script file