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How to update Symfony Entities from an existing database?

I found in Symfony docs that you can Generate Entities from an Existing Database so are there any ways to update entities from existing database I added using MySQL?

For example, I added new column to my FOSUSERBUNDLE database called "batman"

using this command on MySQL:

ALTER TABLE cs_symfony_members
ADD batman int(11) NOT NULL;

how to update my entities i generated using the docs guide above ?


  • If you need to update database schema to Entity, you can use two command:

    (1) Create entity mapping from database:

    bin/console doctrine:mapping:import BundleName --filter=EntityName

    (2) Update your entity to match this mapping:

    bin/console doctrine:generate:entities BundleName:EntityName

    Example, I have a User table in database, a had changed structure of this table. And now, I want to update these changes to my User entity in AppBundle. I need to run following command:

    bin/console doctrine:mapping:import AppBundle --filter=User
    bin/console doctrine:generate:entities AppBundle:User

    I hope this can help you!