The R package fitdistrplus has a denscomp
function that plots the fitted cumulative density curve along with a histogram of the data. As an R newbie, I appreciate all the plots available in this package.
Is there a simple way to just plot the curve without the histogram?
I couldn't find an option like histogram = FALSE
in the denscomp
function in the documentation.
How should I use the fitdist$estimate
to plot just the cumulative density curve?
I'm not sure if there's an easy way to change the behavior of denscomp
, but you can roll your own density plot using the distribution parameters returned by fitdist
. Here's an example:
Set up to plot three plots in a single window:
par(mfrow=c(3,1), mar=c(4,4,3,1))
Create a fitdist
object using an example adpated from the help for denscomp
serving <- groundbeef$serving
fitW <- fitdist(serving, "weibull")
Now let's make a standard denscomp
denscomp(fitW, plotstyle="graphics", main="denscomp Version")
Now we'll roll our own Weibull density using the parameters returned by fitdist
. fitW$estimate
contains the shape
and scale
parameters of the fitted Weibull distribution for the serving
data. Below we generate the same plot as above using these parameters:
x=seq(0, max(serving), length=100)
serving_dwei = dweibull(x, shape=fitW$estimate["shape"], scale=fitW$estimate["scale"])
hist(serving, freq=FALSE, main="Roll Your Own")
lines(x=x, y=serving_dwei, col="red")
And finally, the density plot alone:
plot(x=x, y=serving_dwei, type="l", main="Density alone", xlab="Serving", ylab="Density")
All three plots are shown below:
If you want to compare the Weibull fit with the empirical kernel density, you can do this:
plot(x=x, y=serving_dwei, type="l", main="Weibull fit plus empirical density",
xlab="Serving", ylab="Density",
ylim=c(0,max(c(serving_dwei, density(serving)$y))))
lines(density(serving), col="red")