//u' + Au = g(t,u) can be solved by exponential integrators also
//Following snippet is for exp INtegrators
A = -full(Strang(11))
g(t,u) = 2-u
u0 = zeros(11);u0[6]=1
nsteps = 1000
tmax = 10.0
h = tmax/nsteps
u = u0
t = 0
for k in 1:nsteps
u = expm(-h*A)*u + h*((expm(-h*A)-1)\(-h*A))*g(t,u)
t = k*h
//this is for euler's method
for k in 1:nsteps
u += h*(A*u + h*g(t,u))
t = k*h
Is there any mistake while implementing Exp Integrator?
The test problem is a singular matrix. A better test is the setup:
using SpecialMatrices
A = -full(Strang(11))
g(t,u) = 2-u
u = zeros(11);u[6]=1
nsteps = 10000
tmax = 1.0
h = tmax/nsteps
t = 0
Using this, fix the h
in the Euler to get (notice there's an extra h
, my bad:
u = zeros(11);u[6]=1
for k in 1:nsteps
u += h*(A*u + g(t,u))
t = k*h
@show u
u = [0.93573,1.19361,1.26091,1.29627,1.34313,1.37767,1.34313,1.29627,1.26091,1.19361,0.93573]
But to find out what's wrong, start looking at numbers. What happens A=0? Well, we know that phi(z) = (e^z - 1)/z
. By L'Hopital's rule, phi(z) -> 1
as z->0
. Therefore, in order for our implementation to have the same behavior, we have to have that same result. But let's check what happens:
5×5 Array{Float64,2}:
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
Notice that this gives the identity matrix. So think about the limit: if the bottom is going to zero... how can this be constant? We must have that the top is going to zero... so the top is going to I
And that's the moment of clarity: the author meant 1
in the field that you're in. So for a matrix input, 1=I
. When you realize that, you fix the code:
# Norsett-Euler
u = zeros(11);u[6]=1
for k in 1:nsteps
u = expm(h*A)*u + ((expm(h*A)-I)/A)*g(t,u)
t = k*h
@show u
u = [0.935722,1.1936,1.26091,1.29627,1.34313,1.37768,1.34313,1.29627,1.26091,1.1936,0.935722]
Moral of the story: for programming mathematics, you also have to debug your math.
Get a more efficient form one step at a time. First, try and force another varphi term:
# Norsett-Euler
u = zeros(11);u[6]=1
for k in 1:nsteps
u = (I + A*(expm(h*A)-I)/A)*u + ((expm(h*A)-I)/A)*g(t,u)
t = k*h
@show u
Now gather:
# Norsett-Euler
u = zeros(11);u[6]=1
for k in 1:nsteps
u = u + ((expm(h*A)-I)/A)*(A*u + g(t,u))
t = k*h
@show u
This is the efficient form of the method you were trying to write. Then you can cache the operator since A is constant:
# Norsett-Euler
u = zeros(11);u[6]=1
phi1 = ((expm(h*A)-I)/A)
for k in 1:nsteps
u = u + phi1*(A*u + g(t,u))
t = k*h
@show u