I'm trying to figure out how to best model my data in my TSL. In the Friends example, relationships are implied by storing the cell id (or a List of cell ids) in the related nodes. In the Freebase example, though, there's the notion of a [GraphEdge] that's introduced. I was hoping the documentation (and perhaps here), we could get a clear understanding of how to properly model relationships/edges using GraphEngine.
To my knowledge, there is no such standard way according to the documents, and the best practice also depends on our own requirements, e.g., performance or convenience. Here are my choices in different situations:
, or set an individual cell for the edges and connecting the edges to the source/target node cells. The former one is practically faster than the latter one for most graph operations. But the cost is that it does not allow to access an edge without visiting the node cell, which is the benefit of the latter one;The introduced notion [GraphEdge] is used to recognize the edges by Language Integrated Knowledge Query (LIKQ), however, it will not affect our usages if our applications are not built on top of LIKQ.