I have PDF download functionality in my Laravel application.
It works perfectly when the PDF filename is English, the problem is with other languages.
$pdf = new Pdf();
$pdf->generateFromHtml(View::make('invoices.download'.$preferences->invoice_template, $data), $pdf_file_loc);
return Response::download($pdf_file_loc);
In the above code, $pdf_file_loc
has a full path of PDF file as well as the PDF filename. Currently, for instance, when the filename is "Förderverein_für.pdf" (it is German), the real name of created PDF file is "Frderverein_fr.pdf".
In other words, the generateFromHtml
function is not creating the PDF file with correct German filename.
But after that, as $pdf_file_loc
is containing the correct German name, it is trying to download the "Förderverein_für.pdf" file which isn't exist (in the return Response::download($pdf_file_loc)
So it is showing an error page when I try to download the PDF file
This is causing a serious problem in my live application as the PDF filename contains our customer's company name and it is often written by foreign languages (not English).
As the generateFromHtml
function is not creating the file with other languages (not English), I didn't include other languages in the filename but tried to reset the filename with other language while downloading the file.
So, now the $pdf_file_loc
doesn't include other language and it is stored with only English in the app store but convert it to other language while downloading.
return Response::download($pdf_file_loc, $filename);
I don't think this is best answer but as long as the purpose is to get the PDF filename with other language, this solves my problem.