I have this query
SELECT t.employee_id, t.timeinhour,t.timeouthour,
SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(t.timeouthour, t.timeinhour))))
AS Duration FROM timesheets t
INNER JOIN employeetimesheets et
ON t.employee_id=et.employee_id
WHERE employee_id='6748372'
AND timeinyear='2017'
AND timeinmonth='March'
AND isWeekNumber='1'
It gives me this error
1052 - Column 'employee_id' in where clause is ambiguous
I have looked here and here but I'm not using all (*)
so I don't understand why?
You need define table alias in where
section, like this
SELECT t.employee_id, t.timeinhour,t.timeouthour,
SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(t.timeouthour, t.timeinhour))))
AS Duration FROM timesheets t
INNER JOIN employeetimesheets et
ON t.employee_id=et.employee_id
WHERE t.employee_id='6748372'
AND t.timeinyear='2017'
AND t.timeinmonth='March'
AND t.isWeekNumber='1'
If column from table employeetimesheets
set et