I'm getting no bayes score on any email and there appears to be no bayes filtering despite my best efforts. I am not a linux and spamassassin guru, so I'm asking for some help.
I have built up these settings in local.cf in attempts to get bayes working:
use_bayes 1
bayes_auto_learn 1
bayes_min_ham_num 100
bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam -0.001
bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 6.0
allow_user_rules 0
add_header all Status _YESNO_, score=_SCORE_ required=_REQD_ tests=_TESTS_ autolearn=_AUTOLEARN_ version=_VERSION_
The spamassassin log file shows one error consistently:
Fri Mar 3 12:36:27 2017 [10104] info: spamd: creating default_prefs: /root/.spamassassin/user_prefs
Fri Mar 3 12:36:27 2017 [10104] info: spamd: failed to create readable default_prefs: /root/.spamassassin/user_prefs
and one error sporadically:
warn: plugin: eval failed: bayes: (in learn) locker: safe_lock: cannot create tmp lockfile /root/.spamassassin/bayes.lock.[mydomain.com].27903 for /root/.spamassassin/bayes.lock: Permission denied
/root/.spamassassin/user_prefs does exist, and I've given everyone permissions to it to attempt to resolve this problem, with no effect:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1273 Mar 1 14:46 user_prefs*
My spamd launch command explicitly sets the user as spamd, but the main service is still running as root while children appear to be spawning properly. Here's ps output:
root 10093 0.0 1.5 145988 66952 ? Ss 02:25 0:05 /usr/sbin/spamd --create-prefs --max-children=5 --username=spamd --helper-home-dir=/var/log/spamassassin/ --syslog=/var/log/spamassassin/spam .log -d --pidfile=/var/run/spamd.pid
spamd 10104 0.0 1.8 155348 75544 ? S 02:25 0:22 spamd child
spamd 23753 0.0 1.7 151732 72000 ? S 10:30 0:02 spamd child
My bayes database exists for root:
sa-learn --dump magic
0.000 0 3 0 non-token data: bayes db version
0.000 0 1727 0 non-token data: nspam
0.000 0 111 0 non-token data: nham
0.000 0 103812 0 non-token data: ntokens
0.000 0 1484629200 0 non-token data: oldest atime
0.000 0 1488559525 0 non-token data: newest atime
0.000 0 1488323169 0 non-token data: last journal sync atime
0.000 0 0 0 non-token data: last expiry atime
0.000 0 0 0 non-token data: last expire atime delta
0.000 0 0 0 non-token data: last expire reduction count
All of my email headers have either of these, despite me forcing autolearn on with the thresholds shown above:
autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no
autolearn=no autolearn_force=no
Lastly, here's a full snippet of the spamassassin log showing it identifying spam, but not applying any bayes processing, while apparently working as root:
Fri Mar 3 12:55:11 2017 [10104] info: spamd: connection from localhost [::1]:54673 to port 783, fd 6
Fri Mar 3 12:55:11 2017 [10104] info: spamd: creating default_prefs: /root/.spamassassin/user_prefs
Fri Mar 3 12:55:11 2017 [10104] info: spamd: failed to create readable default_prefs: /root/.spamassassin/user_prefs
Fri Mar 3 12:55:11 2017 [10104] info: spamd: processing message <[email protected]> for root:1010
Fri Mar 3 12:55:11 2017 [10104] info: spamd: identified spam (10.5/3.0) for root:1010 in 0.2 seconds, 8433 bytes.
Fri Mar 3 12:55:11 2017 [10104] info: spamd: result: Y 10 - HTML_FONT_LOW_CONTRAST,HTML_MESSAGE,MPART_ALT_DIFF,RCVD_IN_BRBL_LASTEXT,RCVD_IN_SBL_CSS,RDNS_NONE,T_REMOTE_IMAGE,URIBL_BLOCKED,URIBL_DBL_SPAM,URIBL_SBL,URIBL_SBL_A scantime=0.2,size=8433,user=root,uid=1010,required_score=3.0,rhost=localhost,raddr=::1,rport=54673,mid=<[email protected]>,autolearn=no autolearn_force=no
Fri Mar 3 12:55:11 2017 [10093] info: prefork: child states: II
and here's a full snippet of it missing spam, because of no bayes filtering:
Fri Mar 3 13:01:31 2017 [10104] info: spamd: connection from localhost [::1]:56926 to port 783, fd 6
Fri Mar 3 13:01:31 2017 [10104] info: spamd: creating default_prefs: /root/.spamassassin/user_prefs
Fri Mar 3 13:01:31 2017 [10104] info: spamd: failed to create readable default_prefs: /root/.spamassassin/user_prefs
Fri Mar 3 13:01:31 2017 [10104] info: spamd: processing message <sie819-8bh73y10780523sdgw_ds7fid385303272d2g-8h723se@email.searchresultsnewinfo.com> for root:1010
Fri Mar 3 13:01:31 2017 [10104] info: spamd: clean message (1.3/3.0) for root:1010 in 0.3 seconds, 8104 bytes.
Fri Mar 3 13:01:31 2017 [10104] info: spamd: result: . 1 - RDNS_NONE,URIBL_BLOCKED scantime=0.3,size=8104,user=root,uid=1010,required_score=3.0,rhost=localhost,raddr=::1,rport=56926,mid=<sie819-8bh73y10780523sdgw_ds7fid385303272d2g-8h723se@email.searchresultsnewinfo.com>,autolearn=no autolearn_force=no
Fri Mar 3 13:01:31 2017 [10093] info: prefork: child states: II
Is the problem that the bayes database is in /root/.spamassassin and the child processes can't access it? Where should it be, or is it something else? At my limited knowledge's end on this. Any help appreciated.
The problem is related to spamd running as root and the spamd children (spamc) running under the user "spamd", with insufficient permissions to access the bayes database in /root/.spamassassin.
To have spamassassin properly look at the bayes database, it must be in a location accessible to the children, and I had to tell spamassassin where to find it by adding this line to local.cf
bayes_path /var/spamassassin/bayesdb/bayes
I then needed to create /var/spamassassin/bayesdb (not /var/spamassassin/bayesdb/bayes as the trailing "bayes" is the prefix for the filenames that will be in the bayesdb folder) and make user "spamd" the owner:
cd /var
chown -R spamd:some_group spamassassin
I then moved the existing bayes database files from /root/.spamassassin to /var/spamassassin/bayesdb, performed the same ownership operation as above on the files, and the bayes filtering started working properly.
I did not resolve the issue with the children attempting to create user_prefs in /root/.spamassassin, as it's the same issue with permissions, but doesn't seem to affect bayes working, which was all I was after.