My first post and I am currently making an app in Xcode 8.1 using Swift 3
I have 9 images that I have made draggable with touchesBegan and touchesMoved functions.
However they are able to be dragged ANYWHERE on the screen and this can cause them to cover up other images I have. I would like to limit their movement by setting a boundary for them so that even when the user tries to drag the images out of that boundary they wont be able to.
I have created this code in draggedimageview.swift this allows the Image views to be dragged.
I have been spending a long time trying to figure out how to do this and if anyone can help I would appreciate it.
import UIKit
class DraggedImageView: UIImageView {
var startLocation: CGPoint?
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
startLocation = touches.first?.location(in: self)
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
let currentLocation = touches.first?.location(in: self)
let dx = currentLocation!.x - startLocation!.x
let dy = currentLocation!.y - startLocation!.y = CGPoint(x:, y:
You can do this:
let cx =
if (cx > 100) {
cx = 100
} = CGPoint(x: cx, y:
But alter the if based on what you are trying to do. This clamps it so that it cannot be moved to a position where center.x > 100