I want to parse XML strings to erlang list and then to JSON.
Example input:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--some message here-->
<number id="333">test message</number>
<data>current date</data>
<foo tipo="casa">Some text message 2</foo>
Output should be:
"start": {
"data": {
"number": {
"@id": "333",
"#text": "test message"
"data": "current date"
"mass": {
"client": "35",
"address": "lattitude",
"code": "3454343",
"foo": {
"@tipo": "casa",
"#text": "Some text message 2"
"product": "TEST"
I am trying to use erlsom:simple_form(Xml).
and getting :
[{"number",[{"id","333"}],["test message"]},
{"data",[],["current date"]}]},
{"foo",[{"tipo","casa"}],["Some text message 2"]},
Now I want to delete these empty attrs. Is there any simple way to do this? thanks in advance.
UPDATE: Make it work w/ solution from Erlang, converting xml to tuples and lists
BUT Getting
[{"number","test message"},{"data","current date"}]},
{"foo","Some text message 2"},
there is no [{"id","333"}]
and [{"tipo","casa"}]
The output of your simple parsing is in a set format: {Node, Attributes, Children}
, so you can write a simple parser that turns that structure you have into a nested proplist. With that, you can either use mochijson or jsx to turn that proplist into a JSON string.
test() -> parse(data()).
parse({Node, [], [Value]}) when is_list(Value) ->
[{Node, Value}];
parse({Node, [], Children}) ->
V = children_to_struct(Children, []),
[{Node, V}];
parse({Node, Attributes, Children}) ->
V = attributes_to_struct(Attributes, []) ++ children_to_struct(Children, []),
[{Node, V}].
children_to_struct([], Acc) -> Acc;
children_to_struct([Value], Acc) when is_list(Value) ->
Acc ++ [{"#text", Value}];
children_to_struct([Value | T], Acc) when is_tuple(Value) ->
children_to_struct(T, Acc ++ parse(Value)).
attributes_to_struct([], Acc) -> Acc;
attributes_to_struct([{K, V}|T], Acc) ->
attributes_to_struct(T, Acc ++ [{"@" ++ K, V}]).
data() ->
[{"number",[{"id","333"}],["test message"]},
{"data",[],["current date"]}]},
{"foo",[{"tipo","casa"}],["Some text message 2"]},
Running it in the shell with mochijson:
Eshell V7.3 (abort with ^G)
1> c(transform).
2> T = transform:test().
[{"number",[{"@id","333"},{"#text","test message"}]},
{"data","current date"}]},
{"foo",[{"@tipo","casa"},{"#text","Some text message 2"}]},
4> iolist_to_binary(mochijson2:encode(T)).