I'm trying to send an image from the client side (Ionic Framework) to my Python Backend (Flask). For some reason, I keep getting Error Code 3 which I understand is a Connection Error, but I'm not sure why.
Client Side Code (AngularJS):
$scope.submit = function() {
if($scope.details.title === '' || $scope.details.price === '' || $scope.details.description === ''
|| $scope.details.category === '') {
ionicSuperPopup.show("Error!", "Fill out the appropriate fields!", "error");
} else if($scope.size !== 2) {
ionicSuperPopup.show("Error!", "You need to upload at least two images.", "error");
} else {
/* Post item to server, wait for success, and present success post. */
var url = '';
var name = $scope.details.images[0];
var options = new FileUploadOptions();
options.fileKey = 'image',
options.fileName = name,
options.chunkedMode = false,
options.mimeType = 'image/jpg',
options.params = { 'filename': name };
options.headers = {
Connection: "close"
var ft = new FileTransfer();
ft.upload($scope.list[0], encodeURI(url), win, fail, options);
} /* End of 'else' */
} /* End of 'submit' */
$scope.list[0] contains the imageURI of the picture taken.
Backend Code:
from flask_restful import reqparse, Resource
class Item(Resource):
parser = reqparse.RequestParser(bundle_errors=True) #All arguments must be present
def post(self):
Item.parser.add_argument('image', required=True, help="You need images.")
args = Item.parser.parse_args()
print("We have: {}".format(args))
Is there anything that I'm doing wrong? I feel like I've got everything covered, yet I don't understand why I have an error code 3. Thanks for the help!
So I actually figured out the problem. The image needs to be loaded as a file upload and I used werkzeug's FileStorage to do this:
Item.parser.add_argument('file', required=True, help="You need image.", type=werkzeug.datastructures.FileStorage, location='files')