I'd like to know if there's any way of effectively grouping column headings when outputting a summary table. I realise that's a terrible explanation of what I want so here's an example.
Let's say I have a summary dataframe with 5 columns: projectName, currMonthCost, currMonthRev, prevMonthCost, prevMonthRev. I'd like to have 2 levels to the column headings, with the final output to group the columns by curr/prev - something like:
|| Current || Previous ||
projectName || Cost | Rev || Cost | Rev ||
|| | || | ||
x || x | x || x | x ||
y || y | y || y | y ||
Apologies for the poor attempt at making a table, I'm new here. But hopefully you get the idea.
Is there a package that can handle that? I'm already using formattable but can't find anything obvious in there. I'm happy for it to be a complete botch if there's nothing ready made - it's only summary numbers getting exported to PDF. I just want to avoid having to export to excel to merge cells before PDFing.
Thanks in advance. James
You need the DT library. It's a quite powerful tool for displaying data frames. In your case, you can customize the table headers using the container
df <- data.frame(projectName = c("x", "y"), currMonthCost = c("x", "y"), currMonthRev = c("x", "y"), prevMonthCost = c("x", "y"), prevMonthRev = c("x", "y"))
# projectName currMonthCost currMonthRev prevMonthCost prevMonthRev
#1 x x x x x
#2 y y y y y
sketch = htmltools::withTags(table(
class = 'display',
th(rowspan = 2, 'projectName'),
th(colspan = 2, 'Current'),
th(colspan = 2, 'Previous')
lapply(rep(c('Cost', 'Rev'), 2), th)
datatable(df, container = sketch, rownames = F)